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#FlashbackFriday -- Logo Throughout the Years

W. E. Bowman Construction

W.E. Bowman Construction Inc. is a unique company for many reasons, but our history is one of them. Founded 50 years ago, our “WEBC team represents three generations of hands-on leadership and expertise.”

That being said, our logo has changed and evolved in 50 years! Each unique logo represents a different point in our company’s history.

As you can see, our company was devoted to “commercial and residential restoration” in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. During this period in our history, we completed historical building and home restorations, museum renovations, and kitchen and bath renovations. One thing that has not changed between then and now is our commitment to restoring historical buildings. Historical projects are special to our company because there is a significant amount of history in Virginia. Furthermore, "Historical work is interesting because work done in the 1600s is different from the 1700s, 1800s, and 1900s, as well as the construction materials used.”

This above logo was designed in 1990 by Ed Bowman--our current President, and then Project Manager. Ed worked in and for the company long before he became the President and Owner. Creating this logo was only one of his many contributions to the company before he took over as President 24 years ago.

Our current logo was designed in 2006 and it features an important instrument that we like to bring up every once in a while--the plumb bob. Check out our blog post about the plumb bob here for more trivia and information!

We like to share our history with others in order to reflect on what our company has looked like in the past and what we might be in the future. #FlashbackFriday

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