The W.E. Bowman Construction, Inc. office is located in the heart of Richmond, Virginia. Being located in such a central area, our team carries the responsibility of bettering our town and our clients’ facilities. In fact, the WEBC team likes to say that, “We Build the Best Places to Live, Work, and Enjoy Life.”
More specifically, our company contributes to RVA by completing projects that improve the surrounding communities, such as, creating and finding work for our staff and vendors, and enabling others to further enjoy life--the fruit of our hard work.
A specific, recent way our team has worked to better our community, has been through assisting facilities and businesses in our area to adapt to the changes required by the COVID-19 pandemic. WEBC has been able to help local schools adapt to the “new normal” of social distancing and spacing. This involved constructing creative outdoor learning spaces and adapting existing buildings to allow for physical distancing.
Furthermore, there are some organizations such as the CancerLINC Board, the Virginia Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee, and the Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce that both our company and President and owner support. Support for all three of these organizations bring equity and diversity to the construction environment and our local community as a whole. The Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee educates middle and high school teens about different trade skills as well as providing opportunities to experience hands-on learning, creativity, trade skills, and much more. For students interested in much needed technical professions are provided pathways to acquiring those skills before they pursue higher education or enter the job market.
Supporting equitable organizations such as the Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce encourages the recognition of Hispanic and Latin culture and value in the work environment. As a minority-owned business, this is a value very close to our core. Advocating for every Hispanic and Portuguese person to register in the 2020 census is just one of the many activities and campaigns that Ed Bowman, owner and president, has endorsed and eagerly participated in.
How does your team better your surrounding community?
#construction #smallbusiness #rva #richmond #innovation #groundbreaker #minorityowned #agc #agcva #liveworkenjoylife #webowman #familybusiness #business #team