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James Monroe Tomb

The James Monroe Tomb, located in Richmond’s historic Hollywood Cemetery, is the final resting place of James Monroe who served as the United States 5th President. Declared as a National Historic Landmark in 1971, the unique feature of Monroe’s burial site is the cast iron ‘Birdcage’ surrounding the sarcophagus. This project required in-depth planning and coordination in order to ensure preservation of the original construction. The ‘Birdcage’ enclosure had to be disassembled piece by piece, surveyed, catalogued, extracted, and restored while under the watchful eye of the historical analyst, the conservator, as well as the public. Our team was able to work within the heart of the Hollywood Cemetery without compromise to the day-to-day operations and with no interruptions to visitors. Construction included: removal of existing paint coating, repairs to existing decorative iron structure, replication of deteriorated iron pieces, new high-performance coating to original stone color and reinstallation on-site.

Boar's Head Inn Renovation

W. E. Bowman Construction, Inc. completed a major renovation of the Boar’s Head Inn, including a grand entrance to the facility with a Porte Cochere, new and expanded lobby, major renovations of dining, bar, and event venues, and 29 guest rooms. The project featured a new elevator and egress stairs, major upgrades to MEP systems, and renovations of exterior guest amenities, including the parking area and the bistro patio and terrace.

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